Farmland with cattle, trees and the canyon cliffs of the Capertee Valley in the background

Current Project: Glen Davis Reserve

We are restoring this public reserve on the bank of the Capertee River. 

This neglected reserve is being brought back to life by Capertee Valley Landcare to become hectares of usable public riverside park land, and an healthy riparian environment for native plants and animals.   

Become a Local Partner

Landcare participates in projects where the funding offers opportunities for private landholders to be involved.

From native habitat planting to feral animal control, or showing others what can be achieved, your property can benefit.

Join Capertee Valley Landcare

In this community of landholders, Landcare is a major social connection point. 

Meet other Capertee Valley locals as you enjoy community activities and learn skills to manage your land for sustainable environmental and farming outomes.

What's on soon

9 November, 10 am - 12 noon. Register Now! In the hayshed, at From the Paddock. BYO chair!

If you have acquired your property in recent years or never known what Local Land Services does to support landholders, come along. Hear about things you need to know for managing your property, and make some useful connections in the Local Land Services team. Coffee and cake on LLS's tab, order at the counter.

Carbon and environmental credits are a business decision for farmers and landowners - Friday 29th November

Friday 29th November Glen Alice Community Hall with dinner 6PM - 8:30PM OR via Zoom 6.30PM - 8.30PM. Independently organised to bring you clear and relevant information to help you navigate this complex and increasingly important topic. Our speakers, Tamara Harris (Natural Capital Adviser LLS) and Andrew Ward (Regen Farmers Mutual), have accepted our brief to cut out the marketing spin and deliver practical insights. This workshop is designed to help you understand the opportunities and risks involved so you can make the best decision for your circumstances.

Join our casual gatherings at “From the Paddock Farm Market”

We'll have a theme around farming, land management, or the environment for each 'circle', but come along and ask any question. Grab a coffee, pull up a chair, have a chat, and meet someone new.