Landcare Circles

Meet up at From the Paddock Farm Market, 4590 Glen Alice Rd, Glen Alice NSW 2849.

Drop-in or stick around for a while. Come with a question, share or gather some information or experience.

We have a list of topics weʻve gathered from people which we are working on getting presenters for, they include:

  • Seed collecting, growing, and propagating native plants 
  • Weed identification plus a weed walk 
  • Pasture management 
  • Cattle handling 
  • How to use grape leaves

Further suggestions are welcome, send us yours from our contact page



Topic, guests, activity etc

11 May 2024

10 am - Noon

Water testing - rinse a non-metal container twice with clean water, use it to gather a sample from a water source you want tested and bring it along

8 June 2024

10 am - Noon

Wombats - Melinda from Kanimbla Wombats joins us to answer all things ʻwombatʻ, but particularly how they can be saved from life-threatening mange

13 July 2024

10.00 am - Noon

Growing Natives from Seed and by Propagation wth Dom Dellalibera. Bring along photos and/or samples from plants you want to grow.

10 August 2024

10 am - Noon

Bees and beekeeping with Alain Jaccoub

14 September 2024

10 am - Noon

Plant identification with local Hugh Jones. 

12 October 2024

10 am - Noon

TBC - Weed id and weed walk

The weed walk will happen at a specific time.

9 November 2024

10 am - Noon

New Landholders Workshop. First time offered since the beginning of COVID.

Delivered by Local Land Services, this will be a two hour event rather than the usual drop-in format. Bring your own chair as we’ll gather in the hay shed at From the Paddock.

14 December 2024

10 am - Noon