View showing Glen Davis Reserve and its riverside trees

Glen Davis Reserve

The reserve has been public land since the 1930s, but had been left to become unkempt and overgrown. It was unusable. Its long river frontage is the only publicly owned area on the river. And yet it is infested with exotic species and weeds which could migrate downstream into the Wollemi National Park.

The vision is ecological restoration and strenthening the Reserveʻs role as an accessible public recreation space that will be appreciated by Capertee Valley residents and visitors. 

The restoration of Glen Davis Reserve is being undertaken by Capertee Valley Landcare under a licence from the landowner, Lithgow Council. Weʻre working with a number of partners including Local Land Services and the local North East Wiradjuri Co Ltd.  Grant money helps us take major steps forward, with volunteers working alongside specialist contractors to help on these projects as well as giving the new plantings the attention they need to grow and thrive. 

The journey from weed infested to a regenerated ecology is being documented to show what worked best. 

Glen Davis Reserve is gradually emerging as a space which can provide the whole community with local parkland in a healthy environment which supports local native flora, fauna, and river life. In the mean time it is bringing people together to bring it back to life.

Join us to regenerate a great public space